Record Cleaner  (420-0119)                              Faxback Doc. # 2993

TECH SPRAY, INC.                               MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET

P O BOX  949                                   RS  42-0119               

88 NORTH HUGHES                                                          

AMARILLO  TX  79105                                                      

(806) 372-8523                                                           


          Radio Shack/Realistic Professional Anti-Static Cleaner         



            Hazardous Description: (For Shipping Purposes Only)          

            Non-Hazardous Material                                       


            Hazard Rating  Health: 1  Fire: 0  Reactivity: 0             

              0-Least 1-Slight 2-Moderate 3-High 4-Extreme               



           * * * * * * *  I--HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS  * * * * * * *         


         Ingredients           |  CAS No.   |   %   |       Hazard       


 Water                         |            |  >99  | Non-Hazardous      

                               |            |       |                    

 Quaternary Ammonium Compounds |            |   <1  | Eye irritant.      

                               |            |       | Exposure limits not

                               |            |       | established.       

                               |            |       |                    

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             * * * * * * *  II--PHYSICAL DATA  * * * * * * *             


Boiling Point .......... 100 degrees C/212 degrees F   pH ........   7   

Density ................  1.00         % Volatile ................  99   

Solubility in Water ....   100         % Solids ..................   1   

Vapor Density (Air=1) ..   NIF         Evaporation Rate (H2O=1) .. NIF   

Appearance:  Clear water--white liquid with pleasant odor.               



    * * * * * * *  III--FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA  * * * * * * *    


Flash Point:  None TCC Method                    Explosion Limits        

                                                 LEL:  NA     UEL:  NA   

Extinguishing Media:  Water, foam, dry chemical, carbon dioxide.         

Special Firefighting Procedures:                                         

    Firefighters should wear self-contained, positive-pressure breathing 

    apparatus and avoid skin contact.                                    


Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards:                                      







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TECH SPRAY, INC.                               MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET

P O BOX  949                                   RS 42-0119                

88 NORTH HUGHES                                                          

AMARILLO  TX  79105                                                      

(806) 372-8523                                                           

           * * * * * * *  IV--HEALTH HAZARD DATA  * * * * * * *          


Effects of Overexposure                                                  

  INHALATION:  Little, if any, effect caused by inhalation of the vapors 

		     from this product.                                        


  EYES:  Moderate to severe irritant.                                    


  SKIN:  Product is a mild skin irritant.  Defatting possible with use.  


  INGESTION:  Nausea and diarrhea are possible.                          














Emergency and First Aid Procedures                                       

  INHALATION:  Remove to fresh air.  If breathing has stopped, administer

               artificial respiration.  Seek medical attention.          


  EYES:  Flush eyes for at least fifteen minutes with clear water.  If   

         irritation persists, seek medical attention.                    


  SKIN:  Wash with soap and water.                                       


  INGESTION:  Give two glasses or milk or water and seek medical         







  None of the ingredients in this product are listed on the OSHA, IARC,  

  NTP list of possible carcinogenic, mutagenic, or teratogenic chemicals.






            * * * * * * *  V--REACTIVITY DATA  * * * * * * *             


Stability:  STABLE            Conditions to Avoid:  None                 

Incompatibility (materials to avoid):                                    

  Reactive alkali metals, strong acids & bases.                          

Hazardous Decomposition Products:                                        

  Forced combustion yields carbon oxides.                                

Hazardous Polymerization:  WILL NOT OCCUR                                

Conditions to Avoid:  None                                               

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TECH SPRAY, INC.                               MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET

P O BOX  949                                   RS 42-0119                

88 NORTH HUGHES                                                          

AMARILLO  TX  79105                                                      

(806) 372-8523                                                           


        * * * * * * *  VI--SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES  * * * * * * *       


  Absorb liquid on apporpriate materials.  Place in sealed container for 






        * * * * * * *  VII--WASTE DISPOSAL METHODS  * * * * * * *        


  Material may be disposed of by a licensed reclaimer or incineration    

  facility.  Consult local, state, and federal disposal authorities for  

  approved procedures.                                                   




         * * * * * * *  VIII--EMPLOYEE PROTECTION  * * * * * * *         


Respiratory Protection:                                                  

  None needed.                                                           

Ventilation:  Normal, ambient atmosphere acceptable.                     

Hands:  If needed, protective gloves, BUNA-N type or similar.            

Eyes:  Wear splash-proof safety goggles or glasses.                      

Special Precautions:                                                     

  Keep this and all chemicals out of the reach of children.  This product

  is intended for industrial use only.                                   



          * * * * * * *  IX--OTHER INFORMATION  * * * * * * *            























Prepared By:  J. Witcher      Date:  8-15-89                             

 NL=Not Listed   NIF=No Information Found   NE=Not Established           

 NA=Not Applicable                                                       

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